Which developmentalism? A Keynesian-institutionalist proposal

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Please cite the paper as:
“Fernando Ferrari Filho and Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca, (2014), Which developmentalism? A Keynesian-institutionalist proposal, World Economics Association (WEA) Conferences, No. 1 2014, Is a more inclusive and sustainable development possible in Brazil?, 5th May to 12th August 2014”



Academic discussion of Brazil’s economic growth is currently framed in terms of export-led growth and wage-led growth, identified, respectively, with the new- developmentalism and the social-developmentalism approaches. This article presents wage-led Keynesian-Institutionalism, a new approach able to ensure macroeconomic stability in the Brazilian economy.

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2 responses

  • Leonardo says:

    Professor Ferrari and Professor Fonseca,

    In the article is defended that the relations with the BRICS nations are important to increase Brazil’s bargaining power on the international scenario.
    In your opinion, the creation of New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement will increase the bargaining power of the BRICS nations on the international scenario?

  • Fernando Ferrari Filho says:

    Yes, I think that the NDB and CRA can help Brazil and emerging countries (specially Latin American countries) not only to develop their economies but also to boost their trade and financial relations.