Social reproduction in contemporary Brazil: the role of cultural and financial changes, 1994-2014

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Please cite the paper as:
“José Ricardo Barbosa Gonçalves, (2014), Social reproduction in contemporary Brazil: the role of cultural and financial changes, 1994-2014, World Economics Association (WEA) Conferences, No. 1 2014, Is a more inclusive and sustainable development possible in Brazil?, 5th May to 12th August 2014”

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Economic actions and policies centered on the liberalization of all markets and price stabilization have been implemented in Brazil, since the early 1990s, in order to enhance the advance of global integration into the trade and financial flows. In this context, institutional changes and public policies have increasingly emphasized strategies toward universal access to financial services. This paper addresses that this financial trend have changed the conditions of social reproduction in Brazil. Considering this background and the outstanding role of credit on livelihoods, this paper aims to analyze the impacts of the strategies of financial inclusion on the Brazilian society.

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